Command disabled: index


/// <summary>
/// HTRI - HTTP Text Rotator Item
/// </summary>



/// <summary>
/// Creates Empty HTRI
/// </summary>


string CollectionTarget

/// <summary>
/// Collection Target
/// </summary>
string CollectionTarget { get; }

bool ContainsTransaction

/// <summary>
/// If HTRI contains any transaction
/// </summary>
bool ContainsTransaction { get; }

bool IsCorrect

/// <summary>
/// HTTP Rotator is in correct state
/// </summary>
bool IsCorrect { get; }

bool ReplaceAlways

/// <summary>
/// If Replace Always is activated
/// </summary>
bool ReplaceAlways { get; }

bool ReplaceOnlyIfFindedExactExpression

/// <summary>
/// If Replace only if finding term is equal to found term
/// </summary>
bool ReplaceOnlyIfFindedExactExpression { get; }

string ReplacingContent

/// <summary>
/// Replacing content
/// </summary>
string ReplacingContent { get; }

AnonTransaction Transaction

/// <summary>
/// Get Containing Transaction (if it is supported)
/// </summary>
AnonTransaction Transaction { get; }

string WhatToBeReplaced

/// <summary>
/// What to be found and replaced
/// </summary>
string WhatToBeReplaced { get; }



urns> TryParse(string, )

/// <summary>
/// Tries to Parse user "Phrase" Possibly Creates Brand New HTRI Unit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="phrase">user "Phrase" HINT ("where:what#bywhat") or ("where:'whatexactly'#bywhat") or for always replacing ("where:''#bywhat")</param>
/// <param name="result">new HTRI</param>
/// <returns>if all goes well</returns>
urns> TryParse(string phrase,  )


string ToString()

/// <summary>
/// Convert To String
/// </summary>
/// <returns>exporting string</returns>
string ToString()
assembly/anonymize/httprotator/rotatoritem.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/30 23:46 (external edit)     Back to top
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